Tuesday, January 4, 2011


sial la siapa yang hebohkan blog ni.gampang. haa ,memang aku nak buat kau terasa pun.

Monday, January 3, 2011


mempunyai blog baru yang ketiga :)
bye bye this blog !

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The winner and Loser .

The winner is always part of the answer ,
the loser is always part of the problem .
The winner is always has a programme ,
the loser always has a excuse .
The winner says 'let me do it to you'
the loser says 'that is not my jobs'
The winner sees the answer to every problems ,
the loser sees the problems in every answers .
The winner says 'it's may be difficult'
But it is possible !
the loser says ,;it may be possible'
But it is too difficult !

Far a part from those who we love does'nt mean we lost it ,
But we hold it.
more far apart we from them ,more tight our bond to them .

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Difference

Love and Like !!

In front of the person you LOVE ,your heart beats faster ,
But ,
In front of the person you LIKE ,you will feel happy ,
In front of the person you LOVE ,winter seems like spring ,
But ,
In front of the person you LIKE ,winter is just beautiful winter ,
If you look into your eyes of the person you LIKE ,you smile ,
But ,
If you look into your eyes of the person you LOVE ,u tend to shy.
You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you LOVE ,
But ,
you can smile into the eyes of the one you LIKE .
When the one you LOVE is crying ,you cry with him ,
But ,
When the one you LIKE crying ,tou end up comforting.
The feeling of LOVE starts from the EYES and
The feeling of LIKE starts from the EARS..

"So ,if you stop liking a person you used to LIKE ,all you need to do is cover your ears"
But ,if you try to close your eyes ,LOVE turns into drops of tears and remains your heart forever !"

Siapa yang patut di sembah?

Suatu ketika ,seorang raja bertanya kepada Nabi Ibrahim mengapa baginda tidak menyembah api seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang orang lain pada zaman itu.Jawab Nabi Ibrahim 'Bukankah air dapat memadamkannya?

Raja:kalau begitu ,kenapa engkau tidak menyembah air?

Nabi Ibrahim:bukankah awan yang mengandungkannya lebih kuat?

Raja:jika demikian ,sembahlah awan !

Nabi Ibrahim:angin yang mengiring dan menolaknya lebih kuat lagi.

Raja:kalau demikian ,engkau sembahlah angin !

Nabi Ibrahim:Manusia yang menyedut dan menghembuskannya lebih kuat daripada angin.tetapi manusia pun lemah ,kerana itu yang wajar disembah adalah yang mencipta semua ini.Pencipta langit dan bumi serta isinya..

Friday, May 28, 2010

sang kancil dan buaya~

ada cerita lama,
sang kancl dan buaya,
sang kancil sangat cerdik,
buaya akal pendek...
kaki kancil digigit,
sang kancil pun menjerit,
itu bukan kakiku,hanya lah kayu.
buaya pun keliru,
kaki di sangka kayu,
kau dah kena tipu,
kau tak berilmu.